ISKL's mission statement:The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides (silence) an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.I think adding the 'silence' after provides, will make the best tension. When I added the 'silence' I thought after 'provide' will give more curious and questions to the listener. The listener might be curious what will be provided for school and what is going to be said. This is because they don't know any information about this statement and they also don't know what will be provided. If the speaker add a void before 'an exceptional education', the audience will wait for the speaker nervously because they want the speaker to complete the sentence.PART 2.
The composer can create the tension by suddenly adding ritardando in music. If the composer add that, the audience will have questions because they want to know what will be happened. And, if the composer changes the music in normal rhythm, the audience will find the answer for their questions.
Answers of the Story
1) I would call this story 'The Black Box' because it was the most important thing in this story. I'm not so sure but the black box was the void of this story because it attracts the reader's attention and it makes us curious.
2) I thought lottery was always good thing. I thought they would have a really big celebration for the person who won the lottery. but i was wrong, the lottery wasn't a good thing at all. They stoned Tessie(who won the lottery) It was really surprising.
3) I really wanted to open it, I was curious about the ending of the story. Then I started to wonder why teachers are doing this to us. This whole thing was about the void. Not letting us open this paper until 5 pm didn't made any changes, nothing would have gone wrong if somebody opened it earlier, but I knew that teachers wanted to make us question and wonder. I think this part was another void in this assignment.
4) I felt really nervous, and wanted to get a paper with a black dot, because way back then, I thought a paper with a black dot was a good thing. Unfortunately I got a paper without a dot. To be honest, I opened it on bus, since nobody was looking.(sorry) because I was full of curiosity and couldn't handle it anymore.
5) It was interesting, how the author keep saying black, black and black. Cause usually black represents bad things. I think they're voids, really make me curious. like for black paper, I get curious who's going to get it.
6) The end of story was really shocking, gave me all the answers. I was really confused why Mrs.Hutchinson keep saying 'this isn't fair'. but then I realized why.
7) No, my prediction wasn't correct at all. But I think the author wants my prediction to be wrong, because that's how he created this so interesting, by building all the elements and then at the end he had changed it upside down.
8) If there were titles, and less of void it would have been easy for me to predict the ending. but if it was easy to predict the ending, I wouldn't have died to read the story.
9) Because voids always make people question. If people start to question they will think more deeply, maybe the story might get popular then.
10) a) No titles makes me wonder what this story is basically about.
b) No ending makes me wonder what the ending is, even make me guess the ending.
c)Mystery paper makes me wonder what is the lottery, who's going to get it
They all made me question and wonder