April 26, 2009
Spring break was really enjoyable and exciting. Although it was short, it was one of the best breaks in my life. I could rest pretty well during this break.
On the eve of the holiday, when the bell rang, I rushed home as quickly as I could. I wanted to finish all my homework quickly because my aunt and grandmother were coming to visit us in Malaysia. Before they arrived, my parents and I discussed plans to take them around Malaysia. We wanted to make their stay, as enjoyable as possible. I couldn’t control my feelings. (The plan was just wonderful!!!) After discussing the plans, we went to the airport to fetch my grandmother. We were so happy and excited to see her. (Grandmother is getting shorter than me.) Then, we went to the airport to meet my aunt and her family. They came from East Timor. However we lost our way and wandered around the highway. Finally, we found the airport and returned home with my grandmother and aunt’s family.
My aunt told us that East Timor is very hot and it is a backward country, not as developed as Malaysia. There are not any Korean grocery shops or Korean restaurants. I really feel sorry for my aunt because she is not able to buy delicious Korean dishes. Imagine if we did not have any Korean shop or restaurants. NO!!! However the coffee from East Timor is very popular. Aunt brought many packets of coffee for us. The next morning we all had coffee for breakfast. It tasted pretty good. Until today we are still drinking that coffee.
Also, my aunt has one daughter. Her name is Yun Sol, but we call her ‘Sol’. She is very cute!!! She is only two years old but very talkative. She is such a lovely girl. BUT!!! When I saw her long messy hair, I thought she was a jungle girl! She looked so much better after cutting her hair that afternoon.
On Monday, we all woke up at the break of dawn, got dressed and left for Genting Highlands in two cars. Hurrah! This place is a mountain resort and there are a few interesting activities for children and a casino for adults. Unfortunately when we arrived at Avana (Gate of Genting Highlands), the cable cars were not working. As a result, we had to drive up the mountain. It was steep and we were all very tense.
In no time we were at the top. What a great mountain resort! I haven’t seen resort like this before. The place was misty and the clouds were so low. It was a very striking scene. By midday we were so hungry. We went to Pizza Hut and ate pizza. It was so salty. (But I think it was better than the pizza in Kota Kinabalu.) Then we rode on some roller coasters. It was so thrilling. My cousin doesn’t know fear because she is still young. When we saw a man sitting with a huge snake, she ran to him and touch the snake. Even she grabbed its head!!! OH MY GOD!!! I was so scared. Anyway, we enjoyed the whole day in Genting Highlands and we came home feeling dead tired. We kicked off out shoes and slept immediately.
The next few days were spent shopping. It is a normal thing in my life, but my aunt needed to do some shopping. We went to KLCC, Mega Mall and Tesco. My grandmother took care of my younger sister and cousin at home so my mother and aunt could to their shopping calmly. On the last day we all stayed at home and talked. After a long time, we had gathered as a whole family. We had so much to talk about. I missed my grandfather and my other uncle who couldn’t come to Malaysia. Grandmother cooked some delicious Korean dishes that day. After dinner we went to the airport to send grandmother, aunt and her family. Saying goodbye was really sad.
We had a great time during the spring break. I will remember this wonderful spring break for a long time. Bye spring break!!!